because that makes the most sense
Answer: a) 135642 b) 146253
1- the bankers algorithm tests for safety by simulating the allocation for predetermined maximum possible amounts of all resources, as stated this has the greatest degree of concurrency.
3- reserving all resources in advance helps would happen most likely if the algorithm has been used.
5- Resource ordering comes first before detection of any deadlock
6- Thread action would be rolled back much easily of Resource ordering precedes.
4- restart thread and release all resources if thread needs to wait, this should surely happen before killing the thread
2- only option practicable after thread has been killed.
Bii) ; No. Even if deadlock happens rapidly, the safest sequence have been decided already.
Answer: A capacitor connected across the output allows the AC signal to pass through it and blocks the DC signal, thus acting as a high pass filter. The output across the capacitor is thus an unregulated filtered DC signal. This output can be used to drive electrical components like relays, motors, etc.
The result in terms of the local Reynolds number ⇒ Re = [μ_∞ · x] / v
See below my full workings so you can compare the results with those obtained from the exact solution.
See explaination and attachment.
Navier-Stokes equation is to momentum what the continuity equation is to conservation of mass. It simply enforces F=ma in an Eulerian frame.
The starting point of the Navier-Stokes equations is the equilibrium equation.
The first key step is to partition the stress in the equations into hydrostatic (pressure) and deviatoric constituents.
The second step is to relate the deviatoric stress to viscosity in the fluid.
The final step is to impose any special cases of interest, usually incompressibility.
Please kindly check attachment for step by step solution.