1.Not enough pay
2. Found a higher paying job opportunity
3. Simply laid off
Respect: the sense of admiration for someone´s skills or characteristics.
Excellence: the capacity of being excellent at doing something.
Determination: the ability to be determined when trying to achieve something.
Inspiration: the capacity of being someone or something that inspires people.
Courage: the capacity to do something brave.
Equality: refers to people having equal rights and opportunities.
Friendship: a relationship of shared trust and care.
Respect: I feel a lot of respect for my teacher"
Excellence: Our company strives for excellence in our customer service.
Determination: He won first place due to his relentless determination.
Inspiration: My father´s career is an inspiration to me and my brothers.
Courage: Him admitting he was wrong took a lot of courage.
Equality: Human Resources showed a great compromise with equality by making sure there were no gender gaps in the payment of its employees.
Friendship: My coworkers and share a beautiful friendship outside of the office.
Organisms compete for the resources they need to survive- air, water, food, and space. In areas where these are sufficient, organisms live in comfortable co-existence, and in areas where resources are abundant, the ecosystem boasts high species richness (diversity).
In the southwest, several cultural traditions have been formed related to the intensive use of plant resources. First of all, such complexes developed in the most arid eastern regions of the Great Basin, where an economic system based on the collection of edible plants arose in the early Holocene. Here, for the first time throughout North America in 8-7 millennia BC, stone grater appeared.
In the northwest, people were mainly engaged in hunting and fishing. Due to the harsher climate, many tribes had neither agriculture nor livestock farming. The only tame animal was the dog that was used on the hunt. The Indians of the north-west coast developed an exchange. Dry fish, crushed into powder, fish oil and furs were exchanged for products made of cedar, for the tips of spears and arrows, as well as for various jewelry made of bone and stone. Prisoners of war slaves were also exchanged. The presence of slavery was a characteristic feature of the social system of these tribes.