B) the use of ciprofloxacin is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Ciprofloxacin is usually not used in pregnancy because it has harmful effect on infants, babies and children.
Actually, ciprofloxacin is fluoroquinolones and fluoroquinolones may affect the initiation or development of cartilage. That's why fluoroquinolones are prohibited in pregnant or breast feeding women. Fluoroquinolones are enter into breast milk which can affect the children.
There are other options too, to use the safe antibiotics to treat the infection instead of ciprofloxacin.
In a larger city you have the risk of being in danger more than in a small town because it more busy and has alot more going on which makes it harder to be physical active without getting hit by a car or someone walk or riding a bike.
If you’re working on reducing stress, your first step should be to identify the causes of stress
The use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs can contribute to all of the following like, increased possibility of miscarriage, premature delivery, low birth weight except delayed labor. It is impossible that a mother can have delayed labor because first using this kind of drugs can give you miscarriage.