The group on the periodic table that would have 0 electronegativity due to the fact that their valence shell is full, i.e, have a full octet would be the inert or noble gases. They have a total of 8 electrons in their valence shell and are thus inert and cannot strongly attract electrons toward itself, from neighbouring atom electrons as it does not need to.
The average atomic weight = 121.7598 amu
The average atomic weight of natural occurring antimony can be calculated as follows :
To calculate the average atomic mass the percentage abundance must be converted to decimal.
121 Sb has a percentage abundance of 57.21%, the decimal format will be
57.21/100 = 0.5721 . The value is the fractional abundance of 121 Sb .
123 Sb has a percentage abundance of 42.79%, the decimal format will be
42.79/100 = 0.4279. The value is the fractional abundance of 123 Sb .
Next step is multiplying the fractional abundance to it masses
121 Sb = 0.5721 × 120.904 = 69.169178400
123 Sb = 0.4279 × 122.904 = 52.590621600
The final step is adding the value to get the average atomic weight.
69.169178400 + 52.590621600 = 121.7598 amu
The motivation to abstain from adding water to concentrated acids is that, with a few acids, amid weakening, a considerable measure of warmth is discharged, by adding the corrosive to the water, the generally extensive measure of water will retain the warmth. On the off chance that you added water to concentrated corrosive when you initially beginning pouring the water, it could get sufficiently hot for the little measure of water that was filled all of a sudden bubble and splatter corrosive on you. Concentrated sulfuric corrosive is most famous for doing this, not all acids get that hot on weakening, but rather in the event that you make a propensity for continually adding the corrosive to water for every one of them, you can't turn out badly.
They speed up the breakdown of food in the stomach.