The microbes thriving in acidic environments are termed as acidophiles, and these range from eukaryotes to bacteria and archaea, which are mainly found in diverse acidic surroundings like sulfuric geysers and pools, in the human stomach, and in the regions that get polluted by acid mine drainage.
The mentioned case is not entirely correct as the protons found in the acidic surroundings are not utilized for the generation of ATP as they are not originating from within the cell. In order to sustain their internal acidic pH, the acidophiles exhibit adaptations like the presence of the negatively charged proteins on the surfaces of their membranes so that they can prevent deterioration due to acidic surroundings.
which of the following???????
To maintain homeostasis, unicellular organisms grow, respond to the environment, transform energy, and reproduce. The cells of multicellular organisms become specialized for particular tasks and communicate with one another to maintain homeostasis. ... Active transport requires energy.
La división celular es una parte muy importante del ciclo celular en la que una célula inicial se divide para formar células hijas.1Debido a la división celular se produce el crecimiento de los seres vivos. En los organismos pluricelulares este crecimiento se produce gracias al desarrollo de los tejidos y en los seres unicelulares mediante la reproducción asexual.
Los seres pluricelulares reemplazan su dotación celular gracias a la división celular y suele estar asociada con la diferenciación celular. En algunos animales la división celular se detiene en algún momento y las células acaban envejeciendo. Las células senescentes se deterioran y mueren debido al envejecimiento del cuerpo. Las células dejan de dividirse porque los telómeros se vuelven cada vez más cortos en cada división y no pueden proteger a los cromosomas como tal.
Las células hijas de las divisiones celulares, en el desarrollo temprano embrionario, contribuyen de forma desigual a la generación de los tejidos adultos.
When a volcano erupts particles of rock and ash are released into the atmosphere after this water droplets form around?
When a volcano erupts, particles of rock and ash are released into the atmosphere. After this, water droplets form around the rock and ash particles and fall to Earth as rain. The rainwater helps plants grow. Which scenario describes an interaction between two of Earth's spheres?