STANDARD: 0.085 mi, 450 ft, or 150 yds
METRIC: 0.137 km, 137.16 m, or 13716 cm
kinetic energy is a moving object potential energy is stored energy
The correct answer option is C. 2.
We are given the number '0.0020' and we are to indicate the number of significant figures in the given measured number.
According to the rules of significant figures, numbers that are non-zero, zeros between any two significant numbers and the ending zeros in the decimal position are categorized as significant figures.
Since there is one non-zero number and one ending zero in the decimal position, therefore 0.0020 has 2 significant figures.
an object that is at rest will stay at rest inless a force acts upon it.
An oject that is in motion will not change its velocity unless a force acts upon it.