The transfer of heat from the Sun is in the form of thermal radiation (also called infrared radiation)
The transfer of heat at the person’s feet is by thermal conduction. During the day the sand will be hot so if you step on it with bare feet there will be conduction of heat to the feet.
Hence the name Thermo meaning heat.
Answer: a) 0.315 (V/L)
From Conservation of angular momentum, we know that
L1 = L2 ,
Therefore MV L/2 = ( Irod + Ib) x W
M/4 x V x L/2 = (M (L/2)^2 + 1/3xMxL^2) x W
M/8 X VL = (ML^2/16 + ML^2 /3 )
After elimination we have,
V/8 = 19/48 x L x W
W = 48/8 x V/19L = 6/19 x V/L
Therefore W = (0.136)X V/L
When 238U which is radioactive turns into 206Pb , it becomes stable and no further disintegration is done . Hence in the initial period ratio of 238U undecayed and 206Pb formed will be very high because no of atoms of 238U in the beginning will be very high. Gradually number of 238U undecayed will go down and number of 206Pb formed will go up . In this way the ratio of 238U and 206Pb in the mixture will gradually reduce to be equal to one or even less than one .
In the given option we shall calculate their raio
1 ) ratio of 238U and 206Pb = 5
2 ) ratio of 238U and 206Pb = 4
3 )ratio of 238U and 206Pb = 1
4 ) ratio of 238U and 206Pb = 20
5 )ratio of 238U and 206Pb = 3
lowest ratio is 1 , hence this sample will be oldest.
Ranking from youngest to oldest
4 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 3 .
Volcanoes form above subduction zones because Subduction zone volcanism occurs where two plates are converging on one another. One plate containing oceanic lithosphere descends beneath the adjacent plate, thus consuming the oceanic lithosphere into the earth's mantle. This on-going process is called subduction.