The process of physical change in state, that occurs when water vapor or gas converts into a liquid is condensation. According to the kinetic molecular theory, the particles lose kinetic energy and slow down and thus become more arranged and have a definite shape but an indefinite volume, a liquid.
Por lo tanto, la proporción de ADN no codificante aumenta con el tamaño del genoma más rápidamente en las no bacterias que en las bacterias. Esto es consistente con el hecho de que la mayor parte del ADN nuclear eucariota no codifica genes, mientras que la mayoría de genes procariotas, virales y orgánulos sí lo son.
If I am correct it is The Third Trimester
Pupillary light reflex refers to the contraction that the pupils present when they light up. In cases of injury to the optic nerve, when the eye where the injured optic nerve is illuminated, since it cannot conduct the stimulus to the brain, neither pupil closes.
Pupillary light reflex refers to the reaction that causes the pupil to close with light thanks to the contraction of the sphincter of the pupil and to open in the dark thanks to the relaxation of that muscle by not receiving any stimulus. A light stimulus reaches the eye and in the retina it is transformed, through a chemical reaction, into an electrical stimulus that will be transmitted through the optic nerve and the visual pathways to the brain. The visual cells of the retina, rods and cones, also act as light receptors that control the pupil's motor activity. Thus, pupil-motor thresholds to light follow the same spectral sensitivity deviations as visual thresholds, which are a function of the state of light adaptation of the retina.