a lever and a wheel and axle (i guess)
don't have any
- keep you eyes on the ball, after you hit the ball you look up, you have to see the club hit the ball
- your grip it really matters on what your comfortable with but first you put your left hand on the club then put your right hand below your left hand, then put your right pinky on top of your index finger, but you can inter lock your pinky and index finger
- parts of the swing, can be pretty tricky to explain, but I'll try my best to explain it, okay so a golf swing is like a pendulum, you swing right to left. Once you lift the club to the right you still look down at the ball. After swimming to the right your have to hit the ball with your right hand strength, in order the ball to fly.
- the way you do your grip defines if the ball will go straight or not. But also the way you swing towards the ball also defines how far the ball is going to go.
A. freezing, when water turns to ice the water is turning from a liquid to a solid.
-- The position of the sun was originally the primary influence in determining
when people went to sleep and when they woke up. Although it no longer
directly influences us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in our make-up
that our behavior still largely coincides with the positions of the sun.
-- The position of the Moon was originally the primary influence in determining
the cycle of human female physiology. Although it no longer directly influences
us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in human make-up that the female cycle
still largely coincides with the positions of the Moon.