physical activity required energy. But exercise is planned. Exercise also needs extra energy.
frustration-aggression principle.
According to the frustration-aggression principle, frustration is responsible for creating anger and this anger leads to aggressive behavior. Frustration occurs when you are blocked by someone to achieve your particular goal and this frustration triggers aggression.
So will is frustrated after learning that he is not selected in the team which leads to aggression in him due to which he vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. So here his aggressive behavior can be best explained by the frustration-aggression principle.
A. Tornado
A rotating, funnel-sgaped column of wind moving at speeds between 110 and 200 miles per hour
B. Hurricane
An intense storm that begins over tropical waters and includes heavy rain and strong winds.
fam·i·ly plan·ning
/ˈfam(ə)lē ˈˌplaniNG/
the practice of controlling the number of children in a family and the intervals between their births, particularly by means of artificial contraception or voluntary sterilization.
"family-planning clinics"