The atoms on the outermost level are called electrons.
A polar bond is formed with atoms having different electronegativities. The bonding electrons are attracted more towards the atom with greater electronegativity resulting in unequal sharing of electrons. Therefore the molecule develop partial charges and becomes polar. Polar molecules have dipole moment that is the partial charge on molecules due to differences in electronegativity between atoms.
A non-polar bond is formed with atoms having the same electronegativity, hence the bonded pair of electron is shared equally between atoms. Non-polar molecules have no moment.
Note that: symmetrical molecules having polar bonds are non-polar because the dipoles of the bond exert equal and opposite effect. Hence the dipoles cancel the charges.
Example: HCl
In HCl, Cl is more electronegative therefore Cl atom pulls the electron pair of the covalent bond towards itself and develops a partial negative charge. Consequently H develops a partial positive charge. This therfore leads to the formation of a dipole.
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Answer: The air will move more quickly around one side, making less pressure on that side of the ball
Tap water and rain water are both homogeneous, even though they may have different levels of dissolved minerals and gases. A bottle of alcohol is a man-made homogeneous mixture, from a fine Italian wine to a glass of Scotch whisky. In the human body, blood plasma is an example of a homogeneous mixture.