treating food with gamma rays kills microorganism by damaging their DNA, the energy
of gamma rays rips off electrons from atoms hence ionizing them (causing free radicals).
However, gamma rays do not make the food atoms radioactive. The body has a natural
mechanism of riding the body of free radicals. However, large quantities of radicals in the body can cause
This is because their tails are hydrophobic and their heads are hydrophilic. Hydrophobic meaning dislikes being near water and hydrophilic meaning likes to be near water. Therefore, they will orientate themselves in such a manner that the heads are facing externally and all the tails are facing together protected by the hydrophilic heads. google a photo of lipid chains in water if you are still confused. I'm not sure if that is what you are asking, but I hope it helps.
A Graduated Cylinder has a limited round and hollow shape with each stamped line demonstrating the volume of fluid being estimated. While they are commonly more exact and exact than lab flagons and recepticles, they ought not be utilized to perform volumetric examination.