Breaks down and absorbs nutrients from the food and liquids you consume to use for important things like energy, growth and repairing cells.
a ) false.
NH₃ is more polar molecule than PH₃ so inter-molucular attraction is greater in NH₃ ( hydrogen bond ) . Hence vapour pressure is low for NH₃ .
b ) false .
The average kinetic energy of boiling water molecules is lower on a mountaintop than it is at sea level. It is so because water boils at lower temperture on mountain and kinetic energy of molecules depends upon temperature .
c ) false
vapour pressure depends upon temperature .
d ) True
CCl4 is more volatile than CBr4
e ) false
vapour pressure increases as temperature increases.
ANSWER: C gases
it has no definite volume and shape and also expands to fill the available volume of the container.
Ernest Rutherford discovered the electron cloud.