Instantaneous center:
It is the center about a body moves in planer motion. The velocity of Instantaneous center is zero and Instantaneous center can be lie out side or inside the body. About this center every particle of a body rotates.
From the diagram
Where these two lines will cut then it will the I-Center.Point A and B is moving perpendicular to the point I.
If we take three link link1,link2 and link3 then I center of these three link will be in one straight line It means that they will be co-linear.
Therefore, when the mass is at its equilibrium position (which corresponds to x=0), the velocity of the mass will be maximum.
To know more about velocity, refer:
Newton's 2nd law of motion:
Force = (mass) x (acceleration)
= (0.314 kg) x (164 m/s²)
= 51.5 newtons
(about 11.6 pounds) .
Notice that the ball is only accelerating while it's in contact with the racket.
The instant the ball loses contact with the racket, it stops accelerating, and
sails off in a straight line at whatever speed it had when it left the strings.
Changing the proportions of substances in an alloy will change the physical properties of that alloy. The differing substances will change the metallic structure of the crystals of the metal alloy, and this alters the ductility, durability, hardness, tensile strength, toughness and other characteristics we assess are regards alloys.
"Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us—a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.” - John Piper