The filter bed is cleaned by occasional backwashing ;-; im sorry if this isn't a great answer but I tried
1. -4
2. +1
3. 0
4. +4
5. -2
6. +1
7. -2
reduced = H
oxidized = O
Know oxidation rules.
- Hope this helped! Please let me know if you would like to learn this. I could show you the rules and help you work through them.
An electron in a hydrogen atom would have 10 states for a 3d orbital, like any other element.
n = 3, l = 2, in one of ml = 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 each with ms = -½ or +½ or a total of 10 possible states.
None of these are a ground state of an electron in the hydrogen atom.
Enjoy :)