def main ():
sentence = input("Please enter a sentence:")
print("Original Sentence:",sentence)
# start at the third character
for i in range(2, len(sentence), 3):
# access the string by index
print("Every third letter:", sentence[i])
def helps define the sentence ( input)
in order to start printing from third letter we start the range from 2 and keep the step 3 . The range i is in square parenthesis to show the range and access string.
That there is a grounded winding
When the ohm meter is set to the maximum range, and a meter lead is placed on the compressor casing. A reading of any value on the ohm meter is an indication that the winding is grounded in which case it would be necessary to change the compressor
The compressor terminals are covered with a shroud making it difficult to take measurements. To make it easier, the plug can extended with an extension wire.
The deatailed diagram of VCRS is given below such
1-2=Isentropic compression in which temperature increases at constant entropy
2-3=Isobaric heat rejection i.e. heat rejected at constant pressure(condensation)
3-4=Irreversible expansion or throttling in which enthalpy remains constant
4-1=Isobaric heat addition(Evaporation)