You need to multiply 188 by 25%. But first convert 25% to a decimal 0.25.
188*0.25 is 47
Now we subtract 188 - 47
Which is 141
$141 is the sales price.
Step-by-step explanation:
Perimeter = 2 * (Side A + Side B)
= 2 * (3x + 2 + x - 5)
= 2 * (4x - 3)
= 8x - 6.
We have 8x - 6 = 50, so 8x = 56 and x = 7.
Length of rectangle = 3(7) + 2 = 23.
Width of rectangle = (7) - 5 = 2.
A rational number is a number that can be written as a fraction, is a whole number, is a decimal that stops like 3.35, or is a repeating decimal
To find the length, divide the peremiter by 2 and then subtract the width.
Length= Peremiter/2 - width
L = P/2 - W
L = 168/2 - 36
L = 84 - 36
L = 48
The length is 48