Carbon monoxide (CO) is the name
He used Velocity and Radius.
The uncertainty truths contradicts Bohr's thoughts of electrons.
There are 3600 pages to 2 significant figures
Working only with the information given, we have that there are 23 books each with about 31 chapters.
This means that if 1 book has 31 chapter, the 23 science books will have
31 X 23 chapters =713 chapters in total.
If each chapter contains 5 pages, for the 713 chapters we will have a total of 713 X 5 pages = 3565 pages.
Rounding off the answer to 2 significant figures , we are looking to have only two non-zero figures in our answer. To do this, we count two numbers from the left. This will be numbers 3 and 5.
Next, we check the net number after 5 to see if it is greater than 5 if it is, we will have to add the number (1 ) to the 5. This shows that we are approximating upwards, to account for the fact that that number has passed the middle point.
After this, we change the remaining two numbers (6 and 5) to zeroes.
This will give us 3600 pages.
Microwave radiation
This radiation is the one used in microwaves.