The most reactive metals are found on the left of the periodic table, in the blue column, known as the alkali metals. Their reactivity increases as we go down column (group) one. Reactive metals, when attached to less reactive metals, have the ability to prevent the less reactive metal from rusting.
Mass is not conserved in chemical reactions. Mass is therefore never conserved because a little of it turns into energy in every reaction
The classification of living things makes it easier for scientists to answer many important questions.
-How many known species are there?
-What are the defining characteristics of each species?
-What are the relationships between these species?
9ml will be given for the case of dosage calculation order: 3 mg available: 2 mg per 6 ml
Conversion factors are necessary for dosage calculation, such as when translating from pounds to kilograms or liters to milliliters. This approach, which is straightforward in design, enables physicians to deal with different units of measurement and convert factors to arrive at the solution.
dosage calculation techniques serve as a second or third check on the accuracy of the previous computation techniques. Dimensional Analysis, Ratio Proportion, and Formula or Desired Over Have Method are the three main approaches for dosage calculation. dosage calculations are frequently prescribed and labeled based on their weight or, for solutions, their strength, which is the amount of weight dissolved or suspended in a given volume.
To learn more about dosage calculation please visit -
the average kinetic energy of all the atoms or molecules of that substance.