The frequency of the oscillations in terms of fo will be f2=fo/3
E xplanation:
Here frequency f is inversely poportional to square root of mass m.
so the value of remainder of frequency f2 and fo is equal to 1:3.
= 1:3
If one bulb goes out then all the others won't light up because electricity will be cut off. It's a disadvantage because in a parallel circuit if one bulb burns out all the others will still be on because they won't be affected. I hope I've helped you ☺
The centrifugal force C = mv^2/r = kq^2/r^2 = P centripetal force. m is the electron mass, q are the proton and electron charges (opposites), and r is the Bohr radius.
Thus 1/2 mv^2/r = 1/2 kq^2/r^2 and KE = 1/2 mv^2 = 1/2 kq^2/r = 1/2 PE
Therefore KE/PE = 1/2, no matter what state the electron is in.
In a stronger gravitational field a given mass will have a larger weight.
It's not so much a "contradiction" as an approximation. Newton's law of gravitation is an inverse square law whose range is large. It keeps people on the ground, and it keeps satellites in orbit and that's some thousands of km. The force on someone on the ground - their weight - is probably a lot larger than the centripetal force keeping a satellite in orbit (though I've not actually done a calculation to totally verify this). The distance a falling body - a coin, say - travels is very small, and over such a small distance gravity is assumed/approximated to be constant.