The bear, even though it is a very heavy and bulky animal, it can run pretty fast, and can easily outrun a human, but this is while running straight or when making gradual turns. The situation changes if the human starts running in a zigzag pattern. The human is much lighter, quick acceleration, long thin legs, and is much more agile, which will all be its advantage because in this kind of a chase the agility and acceleration are crucial. The bear on the other hand, will find it very difficult because its weight will disable it to make quick turns, it has a slow acceleration, and is not agile. So a human with a solid amount of stamina with using this tactic has a pretty good chances of escaping a charging bear.
Dragonflies are most closely related to damselflies. Damselflies are smaller, slimmer, and most of them fold their wings along their body when they are resting.