Fatigue is usually defined as the reversible decline of performance during activity, and most recovery occurs within the first hour. However, there is also a slowly reversible component that can take several days to reverse (155). Muscle injury also causes a decline in performance that reverses only very slowly.
Limiting factors are resources or other factors in the environment that can lower the population growth rate. Competition for resources like food and space cause the growth rate to stop increasing, so the population levels off. This flat upper line on a growth curve is the carrying capacity.
I would have to go with A, or maybe....yea A
Speed is different from velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity and has a direction. Speed is a scalar quantity and does not require a direction. The answer must be D).
W=20 e(-kt)
A. Rearranging gives k= -(ln(w/20)/t
Substituting w= 10 and solving gives k=0.014
B. Using W=20e(-kt). After 0 hours, W=20. After 24 hours, W=14.29g. After 1 week (24x7=168h) W=1.9g
C. Rearranging gives t=-(ln(10/20)/k. Substituting w=1 and solving gives t=214 hours.
D. Differentiating gives dW/ dt = -20ke(-kt). Solving for t=100 gives dW/dt = 0.07g/h. Solving for t=1000 gives 0.0000002g/h
E. dW/dt = -20ke(-kt). But W=20e(-kt) so dW/dt = -kW