That's a not-bad description of a capacitor.
Seismic wave is the answer
by lying down on a nice and soft quilted matress
According to the law of conservation of energy,
A. an object loses most of its energy as friction
<u>B. the total amount of energy for a system stays the same</u>
Energy is never lost due to the law of conservation
C. the potential energy of an object is always greater than its kinetic energy
D. the kinetic energy of an object is always greater than its potential energy
the force of attraction is given by
F=<u>GmM</u><u>/</u><u>R²</u><u> </u>
where m is mass of the body
M is mass of the earth
R is radius of the earth
G is the universal gravitational constant(6.67x10-¹¹)
hence we substitute the values in the formula.
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