This is because Newton refined Galileo's idea of inertia and created it as his first law of motion. Galileo stated that it was the propensity of things to resist changes in motion. Newton refined it by including: "Every thing continues in a condition of rest or uniform speed in a straight line except acted on by a nonzero net power".
Answer: Sara tries turning a test tube upside down to collect a gas.
A scientist is considered to be creative when he approaches a problem with new different ways. The conventional way is to design an experiment and take detailed notes, reading referenced studies previously done. Sara tries turning a test tube upside down to collect a gas is a creative way as Sara tries something different.
Distance: 1600 m Displacement: 0
The distance is because He ran 400 meters 4 times getting 1600 m
The displacement is 0 because displacement is the total distnce away from the starting point and since he ran laps around the track in the end he ended up in the same spot as last time.
Acceleration is percieved, not constant velocity.
You are most aware when the vehicle is accelerating. At constant velocity you would not be aware of the motion. Only if the system is accelerated the dynamics must be solved considering a pseudo-force (of inertial origin) acting.
It's because of this that:
(A) False. The acceleration can be detected from the inside of a closed car.
(B) False. You would be aware of the motion, but not because humans can sense speed but acceleration.
(C) False. Constant velocity cannot be felt in a closed car.
(D) False. Again, you can't feel constant speed.
Take a look at a simple reaction like the one below:
In this reaction some reactant A is turned into some product B. The rate of reaction can be represented by a decrease in concentration of A over time or as the increase of B over time. This is written: