Today, the vast majority of us multitask while using our smartphones. We play games, email, surf social media, text, and use apps and other functions while watching television, eating, doing work, or while "engaged" in a conversation with another person. Multitasking has become such a regular part of our lives that most of us believe we do it well—and few imagine it could actually be dangerous.
1. Multitasking is associated with harm to our brains.
2. Multitasking can lead to memory problems.
3. Multitasking can lead to increased distractibility.
4. Multitasking can make us walk into traffic.
5. Multitasking hurts your grades and the grades of those around you.
6. Multitasking can lead to falling and breaking bones.
7. Multitasking can harm your relationship.
8. Multitasking increases chronic stress.
9. Multitasking increases depression and social anxiety.
10. Multitasking makes you less productive and less efficient.

In this case, the undergoing chemical reaction is:

In such a way, considering the 3 to 1 molar relationship between ammonia and ammonium phosphate, the moles of ammonia result:

Best regards.
its false ...............
Atoms that have lost or gained one or more electrons are called ions.
62.23 = 1512.5001499999998 moles