Donald Trump
He is in debt by over $4 million. He has abused his power. Trump also wanted to take LGBTQ+ rights away.
Physical maps use color most dramatically to show changes in elevation. A palette of greens often displays elevations. Dark green usually represents low-lying land, with lighter shades of green used for higher elevations. In the next higher elevations, physical maps often use a palette of light brown to dark brown
Answer: Diagree
Explanation: Familiarity this is having a good knowledge about something, knowing that thing well. Examples
1. When you drive you familiarise yourself with the route, what this means is you get to know the route more.
1. Cooking, people tend to have a good knowledge of meals they cooked.
Propriety this is having the right moral behaviours or actions. Example.
1. It's is advisable to not drink while driving, this are right and moral behaviours exhibit by the driver for his Safety and that of other users.
From the above it is clear that familiarity and propriety have different meanings, while one is about is having the knowledge or knowing how to do things. The other tells about how to act.
This example shows the benefits of branding.
Branding, among other things, is based on shaping an image of the product on the customers' minds. This can be achieved through logos, slogans and even a particular style of advertising.
This strategy helps people quickly identify a brand, and can be a decision-making shortcut for loyal customers.