As the temperature increases the pressure increases.
This graph has a positive slope, meaning that there is a direct relationship between the two graphed variables.
The answer is IONIC BOND
Steroidogenic acute regulatory, (StAR) protein is a type of globular protein, which allows it act as an active catalyst on substrates. Because the substrates on which enzymes act usually have higher molecular weights of several hundred as compared to the enzymes, only a fraction of the enzyme's surface is in contact with the substrate. This region of contact called the <em>active site</em>, is as a result of the protein folding itself into a tertiary structure.
Once the correct substrate has bound at the active site of the enzyme, an enzyme-substrate complex is created. The substrate is usually held in the complex by combinations of electrical attraction, hydrophobic repulsion, or hydrogen bonding between and from the amino acid; the strongest of which is the ionic/electrostatic bonding due to larger amount of ionic "R" groups in the protein structure.
So whilst all these inter-molecular interactions are possible, the strongest would be <u>ionic bond.</u>
Carbon is bigger
There are twice as many number of hydrogen-to-oxygen atoms. This applies to carbon atoms as well when compared to hydrogen atoms.
9/11 happened on the 11th of September
The deeper the diver takes the helium balloon, the more it reduces in size. This is due to the pressure of the water column above pressing on the balloon. According to Boyle’s law (P= k*1/V.), as the volume of the balloon decreases, the pressure of the helium inside increases.