Taste buds are sensory organs that are located on our tongue and let us feel tastes that are sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Taste receptor cells, also known as gustatory cells, are found in taste buds.
The chances are low of survival but are possible. It is effective if done properly and is in the right situation, such as: being in a hospital, having access to medications ad actual oxygen.
If there is no sign of breathing or pulse, begin CPR starting with compressions. If the patient definitely has a pulse but is not breathing adequately, provide ventilation without compressions. This is also called "rescue breathing." Adults: give 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds. Reassess the pulse every 2 minutes.
Action: Setting a good sleep schedule and making sure you get the right amount of sleep every night.
Barrier(s): insomnia, excessive homework/other activities, people who wake you up, etc.
Sit ups is probably the correct answer