In a time-position graph (s-t graph):
slope = velocity
In a time-velocity graph (v-t graph):
slope = acceleration
area under graph = change in displacement (distance travelled)
In a time-acceleration graph (a-t graph):
area under graph = change in velocity
By the rate of the hemisphere
O inertia
The tendency of a body to maintain its state of motion is inertia.
Inertia is the tendency of a body to remain at rest or in constant motion.
- According to newtons first law of motion "a body will remain in its state of rest or constant motion unless acted upon by an external force".
- The tendency of the body to remain in a state of rest or of constant motion is the inertia.
- Such a body will not want to accelerate or change motion.
I think ans is experimentation because logic and writing is important in philosophy
This isn't a physics question really, but you should slow down unless you don't believe you can stop in time or don't believe it is safe to stop quickly (say you see someone driving very close behind you and you don't think they're paying attention). In general, if you think that by staying at your current speed your back tires will cross the ending lines of the intersection by the time the light turns red, it is safe to go through the yellow light. However, this is a thing you'll develop a feel for as you're driving, when in doubt, just slow down, just watch slamming on your breaks if there is someone behind you, sometimes people will see the yellow light when they're behind you and they'll speed up behind you so they'll "make it" before the light turns yellow. While this isn't illegal, since they're not technically running the red light, you should never speed up going up to a yellow light, if you need to speed up to make it before it turns red, you shouldn't make the light, just stop, this is especially bad if someone is directly in front of you and is likely to stop at the yellow light while the person behind them speeds up. This causes a lot of accidents.