The answer is d.
Hope this helps plz give brainliest!
For example, the sugar found in milk is called lactose. With the aid of the enzyme, lactase, the substrate, lactose, is broken down into two products, glucose and galactose. People who don't make enough lactase have trouble digesting milk products and are lactose intolerant.
Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.
In solids, molecules are held together by strong intermolecular forces of attraction. As a result, they are unable to move from their initial position and can only vibrate at their mean position.
Hence, a solid has definite shape and volume. Solids cannot be compressed.
Whereas in plasma, molecules are hot ionized which include positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. They collide much more rapidly with each other and are widely spreaded out.
Therefore, they occupy the volume of container in which they are placed. Plasma can be compressed.
Thus, we can conclude that substance X is a solid and substance Y is a plasma.
In our Sun, as in other stars, roughly 99.9% or so of all light emitted is emitted in a thin layer known as the photosphere, or light sphere. This is explained as follows. Interior to the photosphere the gas is ever denser and becomes far too opaque for any photon to emerge directly from that layer.