B. Weight
Acoording to the given information obesity is one of the major risk factor as the BMI of the patient is 32.There are some other risk factors for breast cancer including:
- History of breast cancer in family i-e in a relative specifically first-degree (mother or sister - not second-degree)
- prolonged exposure of estrogen (menarche before age 12, menopause after 45, advanced age at first pregnancy)
- Genetic predisposition (BRCA 1 or 2 mutation)
- Advanced age (As this patient is relatively young, Risk of breast cancer increases with age)
- Female sex
- Enhanced density of breast and some exposures including heavy smoking , some radiation therapy or hormone therapy or some chemical.
Peer pressure is the external pressure, internal pressure might be depression
What does this even mean? can you resay your question
Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter.
The confluence of an increasing prevalence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), clinical trial data suggestive of benefit from quotidian dialysis, and ongoing cost/benefit reanalysis of healthcare spending have stimulated interest in technological improvements in provision of ESRD care. For the last decade, our group has focused on enabling technologies that would permit a paradigm shift in dialysis care similar to that brought by implantable defibrillators to arrhythmia management. Two significant barriers to wearable or implantable dialysis persist: package size of the dialyzer and water requirements for preparation of dialysate. Decades of independent research into highly efficient membranes and cell-based bioreactors culminated in a team effort to develop an implantable version of the University of Michigan Renal Assist Device. In this review, the rationale for the design of the implantable artificial kidney is described.