This college cost and savings calculator is the ideal tool for your college planning needs. It combines a college cost calculator with a 529 college savings calculator. Obtain a personalized projection of your future college costs by entering your child's age, the type of college you're saving for, and your household income. This calculator shows you how much to save for college in a 529 college savings plan. You can adjust the monthly contribution to see how much monthly contributions can compound over time and the percentage of total college costs your savings will cover.
So the groups of angles that make a line (like 130 and i or p a and t) should equal 180. however, the triangles should also equal 180. so in this case for the top row, we know that 130+j=180. since 180-130=50 (i did the inverse of addition, subtraction), j=50. now let’s say for that triangle that your top two angle measures were the 50 we just found and the 70 you have written just as an assumption but i have no clue what you were actually given. since triangles angles must equal 180, 50+70+that angle =180. 50+70=120, so if we do the inverse of 180-120=60, we find out that the bottom angle is 60 degrees.
R/9 = -21
Multiply by 9
r = -189
Divide the k own number by the percentage:
66 / 0.75 = 88
66 is 75% of 88