the ball is travelling very fast and the player can get injured if he doesn't wear gloves

When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with the evolution of a gas. The gas is formed in the reaction is Carbon dioxide.
is formed.
The change which happened in this reaction is a chemical change.

Since, in chemical change we can't bring a substance to it's actual form how it was in earlier.
Examples: burning of paper is chemical, since we can't get the fine paper again after it is burnt.
Thus, the above reaction is also a chemical change, since we can't get back the lemon juice how it was earlier.

Hi Pupil Here is your answer ::
1 The shape of the Body
Example : The shape of the ball lying on a floor can be changed by pressing it.
2 Direction of the Body
Example : The direction of motion of moving ball can be changed by hitting it with a bat.
3 The speed of the Body
Example : A ball at rest can be set in motion if force is applied only
4. Size of the Body
Example : The length of a spring tied and on one end can be increased by pulling it.
Hope this helps .......
At the entrance of most beaches, there is a bulletin board with notices about water conditions: maybe a faded sign warning about rip currents and a list of this week's tide tables. Most people pass them by without a second thought, but if you want to enter the ocean, it is important to know its movements, whether to avoid being caught in a riptide or to figure out when the waves will be at their best.
Hope this helps