<em>Hello Kirenya, I recommend going to the link below. It is from Colgate so it should help you a lot. I hope this helps and if you need more help just ask. Have a nice day!</em>
<em>Link: https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/gum-disease/bleeding-gums-and-other-warning-signs-of-gingivitis-0513?gclid=CjwKCAjwza_mBRBTEiwASDWVvo_et869pPrZ0jvugs8GD6j_fJPu_siate7cRUMEDaA8LGRPKvyIIBoClj0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&</em>
The arms move in the Chinese breathing exercise, to the front, to the sides, and then overhead. Thus, option "C" is correct.
<h3>What is the concept of dorsal?</h3>
In the field of anatomy, the system behind the frontal plane is defined as dorsal. The dorsal region, thus, is the one that is left behind if an imaginary division of the body is done in half in a perpendicular direction, advancing perpendicular to the floor (in the case of the bipeds), or that is further from the exterior if the body is divided in half horizontally with an imaginary cut parallel to the ground (in the case of quadrupeds).
The spine, also called the spine, is the structure that develops from the pelvis to the head, via the back and neck. It protects the spinal cord, provides support to the skull and allows the human being to stay erect and move in a bipedal manner.
Thus, option "C" is correct.
To learn more about exercise click here:
1, and 3,
The answer is 4. A 25-year-old with a sucking chest wound.
The injured person who must be transported to the hospital in the first instance is the 25-year-old young patient with a chest wound due to suction; since his life, despite being at risk, can be saved. Priority is not given to the 20-year-old, since he does not respond and has a great spinal cord injury, as it is quite chaotic and poor prognosis.