Br2 or O2 or N2 or H2 or F2 or I2 etc.
3-ethyl-2.4-dimethyl-octanoic acid
The factor that does not influence stream velocity is DISCHARGE.
Stream velocity refers to the speed with which the water in a stream is flowing. The factors which affect stream velocity include channel size, channel shape, turbulent flow and gradient.
Water is constantly being cycled between the atmosphere, the ocean and land. This cycling is a very important process that helps sustain life on Earth. As the water evaporates, vapors rise, and condense into clouds. The clouds move over land, and precipitation falls in the form of rain, ice, or snow.
I think O and Cl will form covalent bonds since they are both non-metals and don't have a large enough difference in electronegativities to create an ionic bond.
I hope this helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.