86,400 seconds in a day.
There are 24 hrs in a day. So there are 2460 mins in a day. ( 1hr=60 mins) So there are 246060 seconds in a day. (1 min = 60 seconds) Therefore 86,400 seconds in a day.
E) NaF and SrO
The ionic bonding occurs between atoms with a great difference in electronegativity. This usually happens between a metal and a non-metal.
<em>In which pair do both compounds exhibit predominantly ionic bonding? </em>
A) KCl and CO₂. NO. C and O are non-metals and present covalent bonding.
B) SO₂ and BaF₂. NO. S and O are non-metals and present covalent bonding.
C) F₂ and N₂O. NO. Both compounds contain non-metals and present covalent bonding.
D) N₂O₃ and Rb₂O. NO. N and O are non-metals and present covalent bonding.
E) NaF and SrO. YES. Na and Sr are metals while F and O are non-metals.
A; or carnivores that feed on producers
The answer is :
The normal equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide indicates that 2 vol. peroxide vapor should give rise to 2 vol. water vapor and 1 vol. oxygen.
What is hydrogen peroxide ?
- Hydrogen peroxide is water (H2O) with an extra oxygen molecule (H2O2).
- The extra oxygen molecule oxidizes, which is how peroxide gets its power says Dr. Beers.
- This oxidation kills germs and bleaches color from porous surfaces like fabrics.
- Hydrogen peroxide is found in biological systems including the human body.
- Enzymes that use or decompose hydrogen peroxide are classified as peroxidases.
To learn more about Hydrogen peroxide visit:
did you ever get the answer lol