4452 Meters because 1484 times 3
It is also known as the Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Given a confinement that contains a mixture of gases which do not mix, the total pressure equals the sum of the individual pressures.
The term, which do not mix is necessary because, if the gases are the type that mix, the law will no longer hold as they would have given up their individual identities and hence their individual partial pressure cannot be use to access them anymore.
Hence, the law helps to sum the totality of the pressures of a number of gases which exists together in a confinement and they do not mix. Say we have 3 gases A, B and C. The total pressure is the sum of pressure A, pressure B and pressure C.
<span>When two metals touch in the mouth, a small shock is created. this is known as a </span>galvanic action
A) <span>A chandelier has been hanging in the kitchen for years
B) </span><span>A log floats on top of the lake
C) </span><span>You place your book on the top of a flat table
Those are the answers. In each case, there is always a force that balances the weight of the object and keeps them in a static equilibrium. Tension, Buoyancy and Normal force.</span>
Metal radiator. When hot water flows through the coils of the radiator , the metal heats up quickly by conduction and then radiates thermal energy into the surrounding air.
Answer: Metal radiator