The molecular formula of glucose:
it increases and is perpendicular to the motion of the wave.
See below
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Colloid
B) Microscopic insoluble particles that are suspended throughout another substance.
Milk is a colloid. It consists of small fat globules suspended in water.
2. Emulsion
D) Two or more liquids that are not normally mixable.
Mayonnaise is an emulsion. It consists of oil, egg yolks, vinegar, and seasonings. Normally, the oil and vinegar (95 % water) do not mix. Without the egg yolk , they would quickly separate. Egg yolk contains the emulsifier, lecithin, which is attracted to both oil and water and stabilizes he mixture.
3. Solution
A) A solute that is evenly distributed within the solvent.
Sugar syrup is a solution of sugar in water.
C) A mixture that has its components distributed evenly within the substance.
A homogeneous mixture has only one phase. For example, the sugar syrup is homogeneous, because, even with a powerful microscope, you can't see a boundary between the sugar particles and the water.
<h2>Physical properties: H2SO4 is a colorless or slightly yellow viscous liquid with a pungent odor. It has a density of 1.84 g/mL, boiling point of 337 °C, and melting point of 10 °C. "Concentrated" sulfuric acid is 98% in water, and is the most stable form.</h2>