he predicted the properties from known elements above and belws the unknown in the same group
What allowed Mendeleev to make predictions of undiscovered elements
He realized that an element on this table with one known element above it and one known element below it had to have properties between the two known elements
How did Mendeleev predict gallium and germanium?
Based on gaps in the periodic table Mendeleev deduced that in these gaps belonged elements yet to be discovered. Based on other elements below and above in the same group he predicted the existence of eka-aluminum, eka-boron, and eka-silicon, later to be named gallium (Ga), scandium (Sc), and germanium (Ge).
Solute = 5 mL; solution = 250 mL
The formula for percent by volume is

If you have 250 mL of a solution that is 2 % v/v,

If there is no change of volume on mixing,
Volume of solution = 250 mL
-Volume of solute = <u> </u><u>5</u><u> </u>
Volume of solvent = 245 mL
Molar mass of CaCO3=40+12+16×3
Moles=mass of substance/molar mass
P.s it's log to base e
Fiber is "Not Digestible"
Carbohydrates that contain fiber cannot be completely digested. the indigestible components of fiber are measured in the calorimeter, but they are not accessible for energy in the human body.
(E) ionic aluminum fluoride (AlF3)