8E24/6.022E23= 13.28 moles, where the denominator is Avagadro's number
The correct answer here would be A because its chemical name is sodium carbonate which is more basic than sodium bicarbonate, if you added soda ash to the solution then that would increase the ph of the solution
1 : 1
We know that the equation is balanced because the number of zinc, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen atoms are the same in both sides of the equation.
Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2
We can see that there is one molecule for Zn and also one molecule for ZnSO4 (we know this because there are no numbers before the formulas, so the 1 is implied)
That is why the mole ratio of zinc to zinc sulfate is 1 : 1
The ball slowed down faster than the floor because the carpet has more friction than the floor. The carpet isn’t smooth but the floor is.
Electrons have a mass of 1/1836
Hope that helps you!