The atomic mass would not change since the mass of an electron is negligible compared to the mass of protons and neutrons
15.Potassium oxide
16.Calcium chloride
17.Aluminium sulphide
15.K is the chemical symbol of Potassium and generally the name of the non-metal at the end of a formula has the suffix '-ide' and since O is oxygen, the name becomes Potassium oxide.
16. The same applies here. Ca is Calcium and Cl is Chlorine but since its the non-metal at the end, it ends in -ide. So Calcium chloride.
17.The same applies here too. Al is Aluminium and S is Sulphur so Aluminium sulphide.
18. Calcium's symbol is Ca and that of Sulphur is S and that gives the formula CaS.
All atoms of the same element have always have the same amount of protons.
Atoms of the same element have always have the same amount of protons but not always the same electrons and neutrons. If an atom gains or loses one of its valance electrons, the electrons on the outermost shell, then it becomes ionized. Also not all atoms of the same element have the same amount of neutron. This is called an isotope. A good example would be Carbon 13. Normally, Carbon atoms have an atomic mass of 12 AMU or 12 atomic mass units. However, Carbon atoms have an atomic mass of 13 AMU, consisting of 7 neutrons instead of 6 neutrons. So the only thing that all atoms of the same element have in common is the amount of protons.
Atomic number is less than 11