The expected value of each course of action in a decision tree is not determined by starting at the beginning of the tree, instead it is a process because you need to make a desition and in some extend you espect to have some results but some of them are uncertain or unespected. in this kind of scheme Squares represent decisions, and circles represent uncertain outcomes. Then you need to calcule the desition nodes giving each option a cost or value, This will give you a value that represents the benefit of each decision. at the end calculating choose the option that has the largest benefit, and take that as the decision made. This is the value of that decision node.
A filmmaker will seek a sound production mixer who has the qualities and qualifications that is responsible for ensuring that dialogue recorded during filming is suitably clear, tries to avoid unwanted noises and works around the camera which might hamper the placement of microphones. A production sound mixer who has his or her own equipment as this choice can save the filmmaker a considerable amount of money in sound equipment rental, and the mixer is likely to be skilled in using his or her own equipment.
How does inclusivity practised inclusivity in a private company.
US dollar used to be backed by gold but this is not the case anymore. US dollar being as a flat currency is backed by governemnt through federal reserve.
They are called fix income securities