Object A and C (Second choice)
Let's observe one by one
Kupier belt is a belt associated at Neptune outerside similar to asteroid belt
Has enough gravity to keep other objects far away from its orbit
- It's any planet or may be sun /star
Is in orbit around the sun
Is almost circular in shape

v = Velocidad final = 
u = Velocidad inicial = 0
t = Tiempo empleado = 15 s
a = Aceleración
De las ecuaciones cinemáticas tenemos

La aceleración del camión en el primer intervalo de tiempo es
Models are very common. The ingredients list on a bottle of ketchup is a model of its contents, and margarine is a model of butter. A box score from a baseball game is a model of the actual event. A trial over an automobile accident is a model of the actual accident.
It should be S since S stands for students. Giving the team with more members the upper hand. Hope this helps.
Base in your questions that ask what cause the bright lines seen in the emission spectrum and i think the best answer to that is the H2 gas is used when protons was heated so the electron absorb all the photons and get exited and resulted by given of a light.