Which sociologist translated the works of Auguste Comte into English and emphasized the impact that the ec social problems? 5. onomy, law, trade, and population could have on contemporary a. Émile Durkheim b. Jane Addams c. Harriet Martineau d. Talcott Parsons 6. Which of the following statements is true of Karl Marx? a. He introduced the concept of an ideal type to provide a useful standard for measuring how bureaucratic an actual organization is. b. He is remembered for his insistence that behavior must be understood within a larger social context rather than just in individualistic terms. c. He emphasized the group identifications and associations that influence an individual's place in society d. He discouraged sociologists from viewing society through the eyes of those segments of the population that rarely influence decision making. Regardless of which methodology they use, what are all sociologists trying to do? a. b. c. Explain gender relations in cultural context. Examining the ways in which larger society forces affect the individual. Understand ow our society is different from other cultures and other times.
Harriet Martineau is the sociologist who translated the works of Auguste Comte into English and emphasized the impact the economy, laws, trade, and population could have on contemporary social problems.
Martineau wrote many books and a multitude of essays from a sociological, holistic, religious, domestic, and perhaps most controversially, feminine perspective. She also translated various works by Auguste Comte, and she earned enough to support herself entirely by her writing, a rare feat for a woman in the Victorian era.
Temperate grassland: There are two different type. Vast grassland and water grassland. Also, it has a mix of tall grasses and other plants that is sometimes called prairie.