- noun: superconductor; plural noun: superconductors a substance capable of becoming superconducting at sufficiently low temperatures. a substance in the superconducting state. "as they are cooled through a critical temperature, they suddenly become superconductors"
insulator- noun: insulator; plural noun: insulators
a substance which does not readily allow the passage of heat or sound. "cotton is a poor insulator" a substance or device which does not readily conduct electricity. a block of material, typically glass or ceramic, enclosing a wire carrying an electric current where it crosses a support.
conductor- noun: conductor; plural noun: conductors 1. a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir. "he was appointed principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra" 2. BRITISH a person in charge of a train, streetcar, or other public conveyance, who collects fares and sells tickets. 3. PHYSICS a material or device that conducts or transmits heat, electricity, or sound, especially when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this. "graphite is a reasonably good conductor of electricity" another term for lightning rod.
semiconductor- noun: semiconductor; plural noun: semiconductors a solid substance that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals, either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature effects. Devices made of semiconductors, notably silicon, are essential components of most electronic circuits.
These are the definitions off of google. Bye :)
Ok so five times five is twenty five
Answer:skeletal evidence of evolution
So I’m not sure the best way to explain this, will edit in one second
So basically some creatures have leftover bones or other features that have no benefit but they also aren’t detrimental, and they are the result of evolution. There is a great video on bad animal skeletons by Sam O Nella Academy, it has some strong languages so inappropriate jokes, probably, all of them do, and this is middle school biology so watch at your own risk, but I think a pint you could bring up that your teacher would be impressed by is really any animal with a weird skeleton, for example dolphins who just have a random bone image where their legs used to be, they obviously don’t have legs but their ancestors did and to this day they still have a random bit of bone where an ancestor of theirs used to have legs, so skeletons help connect what a common ancestor looked like to what the current species looks like through similar bone structure and/or left over bones, such as dolphins who have a plate where an ancestor used to have legs
D. An observation is based on evidence, an inference is not.
When you infer something, you're basically guessing at it, while an observation is something that you can see and prove.