The higher your price, the less volume you have to produce for a given dollar amount of profit! Even a small price increase can generate significant additional profit. ... When a business comes out with a new product or service and they are the first to market, they may be able to charge high prices initially.

A covalent bond involves the sharing of electrons to make the atoms more stable, and so they satisfy the Octet Rule (8 valence electrons).
Typically each atom contributes an electron to form an electron pair. This is a single bond. There are also double bonds (two pairs of electrons), triple bonds (three pairs of electrons), and coordinate covalent bonds.
Sometimes, to satisfy the Octet Rule and achieve stability, one atom contributes both of the electrons in an electron pair. This is different from other covalent bonds because usually each of the 2 atoms contributes an electron to make a pair.
Someone's perception can be all of these things. the way one person sees something is different than the way someone standing right beside them sees it.
<h2>Percentage error is a measurement of the discrepancy between an observed and a true, or accepted value .</h2>
<h3 />
See explanation
a) The magnitude of intermolecular forces in compounds affects the boiling points of the compound. Neon has London dispersion forces as the only intermolecular forces operating in the substance while HF has dipole dipole interaction and strong hydrogen bonds operating in the molecule hence HF exhibits a much higher boiling point than Ne though they have similar molecular masses.
b) The boiling points of the halogen halides are much higher than that of the noble gases because the halogen halides have much higher molecular masses and stronger intermolecular forces between molecules compared to the noble gases.
Also, the change in boiling point of the hydrogen halides is much more marked(decreases rapidly) due to decrease in the magnitude of hydrogen bonding from HF to HI. The boiling point of the noble gases increases rapidly down the group as the molecular mass of the gases increases.