Well your basic senses are going to be, taste, touch, olfaction (smell), visual perception (seeing), hearing...
Obviously your not going to taste a patients conditions. So moving on to touch. You can feel a bruise or a spot where they indicate pain to tell if their hurt or not. Now unless they aren’t very hygienic then you can’t really “smell” a persons condition. Visual perception you can see if they are in pain or bleeding or even dying by looking at the patient. Now for hearing you can listen to what their telling you. If their hurt their going to tell you exactly what’s wrong bc they obviously want help!
Good luck!! Hope this helped!
That is false. The advertisements are payed for and not 100% reliable.
e. healthier body weight
Compared to meat eaters, vegetarians have lower blood pressure, lower death rates from heart disease since they don't eat meat, higher intakes of nuts and fruits, and higher intakes of phytochemicals. This all leads to a healthier body weight.
So, the answer is e.
Hope that helps.
carbohydrates proteins and fats