Answer: The options are not included.
But the sites are;
Interaction with ribosomes.
Interaction with aminoacyl tRNA
Attachment of the specific Amino acid.
Interaction with codon.
Transfer RNA is a type of RNA that help to translate messenger RNA sequence into protein. Each tRNA have two major areas; the anticodon and region for attaching specific Amino acids.
tRNAs function at specific sites in the ribosomes during mRNA deciding.
The four specific recognition sites of trna that must be inherent in it's tertiary structures in order for it to carry out it's role are;.
Interaction with ribosomes.
Interaction with aminoacyl tRNA synthase.
Attachment of specific Amino acid.
Interaction with codon.
Answer: Solution in Water
I believe this refers to the reaction between Zinc and Hydrochloric acid.
When this happens, the solution will be Zinc Chloride but as it happened in a solution (the acid), the resulting Zinc Chloride salt would be in aqueous form which means that it would be a solution in water which is the other product of this reaction.
Had the zinc reacted with gaseous HCI, it would have resulted in a Zinc Chloride with no liquid in it.
Answer: The molecule itself is the actual thing present.
while the diagram explains what makes up a molecule or what it looks like structurally
In the scientific method first of all is you need to identify the problem, the problem to your question is why does the dog circle its bed before lying down. Second is the observation to gather some data, you need to observe the dog if what could be the possibility the the dog may do that action. The third is the pre hypothesis, you need to came up with an idea why does the dog do such and action for example the needs to find a correct spot to make itself comfortable and lastly the hypothesis, this should answer to your question or your problem. So my hypothesis is that dogs are one of the animals that are those difficult to find a place to sleep and some of that kind of animals are cat, before they lay on their bed, they have to circle to find a spot that could fit its body to be more comfortable when the dog sleep