A, Offer a guarantee for the customer's complete satisfaction.
SInce services are inseperable beacuse there cannot be trials unlike in some goods, the only way to keep a customer's mind at rest over the service he or she is getting to give a guarantee as to the quality of the service such that the customer is satisfied and can purchase the service.
For example, giving a customer a time frame for the durability of a service and also a consideration for re-service before the set or supposed time is a way of giving customer guarantee about a service he or she is purchasing
Following strategies ought to be used to incorporate grown-up learning standards and techniques for experiential learning:
- Make a strong situation show regard for every person and conviction and incentive in learning process.listen to every individual views be courteous and patient,encourage to help each other in learning process.
Accentuate individual advantages of learning and having every member build up their very own objective for this preparation.
Use methods that require dynamic investment energize participation and sharing of experience,design curriculum that permits preparing to be understudy focused.
Use assortment of preparing techniques to connect all learners and it is ideal to differ the strategies in which data is imparted.
Give organized learning opportunities that enable students to act naturally coordinated student as they endeavor to satisfy objectives.teach students how to learn by executing learning apparatuses int the educational program cerebrum storming,progress logs and evaluating own work and work of others .
- Delicate inputs assist students with adjusting mistakes and strengthen great behavior and adult students need gentle constructive criticism
Make course content applicable and intelligent furnish review obviously with goals, relate each new part to past segment , while introducing new material, present by and large idea first, use an Experiential Learning Model, give instances of idea that are pertinent to students' work.
the worth of the bond today can be determined by calculating the present value of the bond's cash flow
Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows
Present value = cash flow / (1 + r)^n
r = interest rate
n = years
1000 / ( 1.055)^8 = $651.60
To support a high stock price, to support a bond or stock offering, or to increase the company's stock price.
The motivation to publish fraudulent financial statements varies depending on the situation. A common theme in many cases of fraud is the attempt to improve the reported financial information to maintain high stock prices, support bonds or stock quotes, or raise a company's stock price. In many companies that published fraudulent financial statements, senior executives held significant stocks or stock options, and lowering the price of the stock would significantly reduce personal net worth or make worthless options. As a result, senior management had to maintain the high share price and therefore needed high returns to maintain the high share price. Investors value reports that increase profits each year. Indeed, the decline in earnings can significantly lower a company's stock price. Sometimes fraudulent financial reports cause line managers to exaggerate the results to meet the company or other expectations. Sometimes the cost of failure in corporate governance is high, and when it comes to choosing between failure and fraud, some managers quickly turn to fraud.
<span>Question of law, also known as point of law. It is a question that must be answered by applying relevant legal principles to interpretation of the law. Answers to questions of law are normally expressed in broad legal principles and can be applied to many situations rather than particular circumstances or factual situations.</span>