BEGIN def function isPositive(int parameter)
//test for positivity
if parameter > 0
RETURN false
END def function isPositive
Step-by-step explanation:
A number is a positive integer if it is a whole number and exists between 0 and positive infinity e. g 1, 90000, 42434234 e.t.c. It is a negative integer if it is a whole number and exists between negative infinity and 0(0 may be inclusive). e.g 0, -34342, -6984.
As shown on the first line, to define a function, we begin by writing the name of the function - "isPositive" in this case - followed by a pair of parenthesis which contains the parameter(s) on which the function will act on. In this case, the parameter is an integer - positive or negative.
Line 2 shows a comment describing what happens on the next four lines. i.e checking whether or not the parameter's value is positive
Then, we write an if-else statement to check whether or not the parameter's value is a positive integer. If the parameter's value is greater than 0, the parameter's value is thus a positive integer then the function will return true. This is shown on lines 3 and 4. Otherwise, the parameter's value is a negative integer, thus the function returns a false as shown on lines 5 and 6.
The last line in the expression shows the end of the function's definition.
Hope it helps.